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Activities to keep your child engaged during the lockdown

Let’s face that it is not easy to keep your kids engaged during the lockdown, and their increased energy can sometimes get you all worked up. It is important that you find creative ways to engage kids at home so that their mind grows and they do not waste time on devices alone. So here are some of the healthy and fun ways to keep your kids engaged at the time of COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Learning Multiple Languages: It is a good time to introduce your children to a new language. May teach them a language that you know or have them sign up a class for a new language. Many kids these days are forgetting their mother tongue, and this is a good time to polish it up. Knowing many languages helps your child’s brain development process. Read more about it in our blog (link)
  • Household chores: Involve your kids in household chores. It will teach them to take responsibility, be independent and be helpful to one another. Depending on their age group and what are their likes and dislikes, you can give them a task that they would enjoy or learn to enjoy doing. It could be watering the plants, putting shoes away in order, arranging groceries, cooking under supervision, etc.
  • Exercises: It is important to keep your kids physically fit in the absence of being able to go out and play. Let them pick and choose the exercise regime they like- something they learnt at school, yoga, Zumba, or join you in your routine. Let them dance if that’s their thing. Make exercise a fun time and not a chore that they have to do.
  • Child engagement games: Look up various child engagement game ideas online and play those with them. It will also give you a break from being a parent all the time. We all need a break from all our roles.

We hope you find these ideas helpful to keep your child helpful in a healthy way. If you have some more ideas on how to engage kids at home, we would like to hear them!

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